Thursday, May 13, 2010

Weight: 139.5


  • Coffee
  • Cottage cheese w/ crushed pineapple
  • A few chocolate cupcakes
  • Raw almonds
  • Paradise Chicken salad from Applebee's

To Do:

  • Make keychains and keyrings, list in FB store
  • List more items in ebay store
  • Package and ship orders
  • Wii Fit


  • Packaged orders but forgot to take them to Post Office
Items sold: 9

Ramblings: It's raining and thundering, so there's a whining 50lb. dog at my feet. What a baby. I think today I'll do my Wii workout later in the day.

Looks like we won't have golf league tonight. We missed last week because DH had to work, and we'll miss next week because I'm going camping with my niece. I'm sure that'll be a full blog post!

Today I need to buy some groceries and make better food choices. Yesterday DH came home sick which throws off my routine. "I'm hungry." "What's for lunch?" "What are you making for dinner?" Me: "You just had soup." Him: "I'm hungry." Like a child. "I don't know what I want." Me: "Peanut butter and jelly?" Him: "No. I don't know what I want."
