Weight: 139.5
Goal: 125
- Coffee
- Open face tuna sandwich
- Nachos (homemade, not super-fattening restaurant nachos)
- Cottage cheese w/ crushed pineapple
To Do:
- Wii Fit
- Package Orders
- Take Granny to see Grampy
- Bank to cash check
- Make Bee Happy necklaces
- Wii Fit! 30 minutes
- Packaged domestic orders
- Took Granny to see Grampy
- Went to bank
- Cleaned floors
Ramblings: The sun is shining, but it's deceptively cool today. I'm going to start my Wii Fit again. Was hoping to start around 7:30 but had a lot of internet work to catch up on.
Yeah! I started my Wii Fit routine! 30 minutes. Orders packaged, lunch eaten, laundry started. Need to clean the floors, but will wait until evening when I'm home alone. Isn't it easier to clean when no one else is home?
Love, Catherine
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