Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weight: 139


  • Coffee
  • Cottage cheese w/ crushed pineapple and fresh strawberries
  • Chocolate cupcakes
  • Tuna macaroni salad

To Do:

  • Wii Fit
  • Package Orders
  • Work on new items and photos


  • Wii Fit
  • Packaged orders
  • Worked on new items and photos
Items sold: 2

Ramblings: I was cruising Meijer and saw the Wii Fit Plus. It's only $19.99. After getting some positive comments on Facebook about it, I think I'm going to buy it. I'm waiting a few days so that I can get my balance back on the regular Wii Fit. My Wii Fit age was 44!! It's never been that high!

It's pouring rain today, so it's a good day to spend in my studio. I'll be able to listen to it all day. I love that part. Normally I'd be golfing on the Tuesday morning ladies league, but the dogs came in soaked after a few minutes, and I'm not into that.

Saw all my Grandparent yesterday. Grandpa seemed alert and well. The Laurels of Carson City is a nice place and he has lots of family so I hope they'll visit often.

Love, Catherine