Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Monday

Weight: 137.5
Goal: 120

Coffee w/ brown sugar and cream.
Toast w/ peanut butter.
A delectable raspberry fritter with the creamiest, lightest, yummiest frosting.
Lots of water to wash down that super sweet fritter and the regret of eating the whole thing.
Rye and caraway triscuits.
More tabouli.
2 pork tacos.
(Afraid to step on the scale tomorrow!)

To Do:
Package orders
Store: milk, rye bread, cranberry juice

Packaged orders

Items sold: 8

Quote of the Day: It's gonna be a good day tater! (Ron White)

Ramblings: For those who don't know, I was let go from my full-time job last December, right after Christmas. I was there for 8 years and hated most of it. It was a long drive, was boring when business was slow, and I was enclosed in a dirty, gray, windowless shop. It was depressing.

People often said to me "everyone hates their job." I didn't believe that. I wanted a job that I looked forward to getting up in the morning and going to. Looked forward to the work, the people, the atmosphere.

So now I work at home, running and trying to build my jewelry business, and I love it! I also have a part-time job, only 8 hours per week. It brings in a little extra money, although I'm not convinced that it's worth it.
